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Failure Is Fantastic!

Writer: Lilly SatoLilly Sato

Society portrays failure as a downfall. In this post, I'd like to discuss how failure is actually fantastic! Here's 3 reasons why you shouldn't be afraid to fail.

1. Failure is NORMAL

When a child learning to ride a bike falls and cries, we clean them up, and encourage them to try again. So why do us adults not tell ourselves the same as we do the child? Success is portrayed everywhere around you...and when I mean everywhere I mean the screen we look at unconsciously 24/7. It's been said that the average American check's their phone 159 TIMES IN A DAY. Majority of those times are spent scrolling through social media where we see fake friends, real friends, and influencers share their successes. While there is nothing wrong with taking pride in one's accomplishments, there is something wrong with the lack of talk about failure on social media. As we grow older, we avoid sharing our failures with our friends, family and children. We avoid discussing it because we think it shows vulnerability. WHICH IT DOES! Vulnerability is also looked down upon by society. Sharing one's vulnerable side is a sign of growth and strength. It shows confidence and accountability not weakness. Those who fail and laugh at themselves show maturity, not negligence. Stop overthinking your failures and belittling yourself. That's what society would tell you to do...but what do YOU want to do?

2. Failure is only a downfall if you don't get back up

Sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side. Sometimes you have to find a completely different hill to hike. Now sometimes we have moments of stillness. Moments where we don't get back up so quickly, and that's okay! It's all part of our story. It's okay to take a moment and feel your failures. Sometimes this pain is necessary to get back up. Sometimes it has to hurt real bad before we choose to feel better...but that's all it really is...A CHOICE. We can choose to stay down, or we can choose to get up. It's important to acknowledge that not everyone gets up as quickly or as passionately as the other. It can take a weight of one's shoulders once they recognize they have complete control of whether they get up or not. Those who understand this concept are aware that their journey CANNOT be compared to those around them...ESPECIALLY to social media! Imagine if we told that kid learning to bicycle just to give up. Imagine how that experience would affect his future as an adult. This is a lot of us. We tried something once as a kid, it didn't go how we expected, so we quit and tried something new. Maybe this is something you can relate to, or maybe not. EXPECT failure to be at your side...but carry yourself with the confidence that you will beat failure and it will NOT beat you! Remember that failure cannot be compared. Remember to stay hyper-focused in your lane. In one of my clinical rotations, a nurse had said "the only things that will never leave you is God, yourself, and possibly your student loan debt". I personally think you can get your way out of student loan debt too. But that again, is a serious decision we must make to truly impact our situation.

3. Failure is turning point to LONG-TERM Success

The man who invented the light bulb, Thomas Edison, failed 1,000 times before he successfully invented the light bulb. I could go on and on about all the failure to success stories in history. At the end of the day, light bulbs are a necessity all around the world, A

pple is a trillion dollar company, and so on! What all these super successful people had in common was their burning desire to bring their ideas to fruition. People called them crazy, and maybe they were a little crazy. That's also what set them apart from their competitors. They were crazy enough to believe that their current circumstances were only temporary. It took a burning desire and faith to accomplish these goals. If you want to learn more about how to bring your goals to fruition, read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill or GRIT by Angela Duckworth. They will share plenty of amazing stories on failure and success.

You don't have to be a Steve Jobs or Thomas Edison to make moves. All you gotta be is YOU! Now maybe you have to make some changes and tweaks to achieve your goals, but that is all part of the journey! People want to reach their destination so bad they don't realize that the success is found WITHIN the journey. Small goals lead to big wins. Consistency and persistency will lead you to success. Instead of being dissapointed when you fail, be excited. Because it could be that very next time where you level up on yourself. The more you fail and keep going, the further you get away from quitting. The father you are from quitting, the closer you are to success. All it takes is one choice to make a small change. Get excited, don't be afraid of making mistakes. Laugh at yourself! And most importantly, give yourself the proper respect you deserve for getting back up and trying again! Remember that little kid who fell off his bike. Say to yourself what you'd say to him "You got this! Try again, It's okay!"



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