I think the hardest thing about self-care is staying consistent. Oftentimes, we find ourselves doing a little extra TLC when we are feeling good about ourselves. But what about the times when we don't feel good about ourselves? Then what?
When life starts to get overwhelming, or when you simply feel too low to do anything productive, it can feel nearly impossible to do basic self-care. You might go a couple of days without showering, or maybe skip washing your face at night--all because you simply don't feel like it. If you struggle with depression or anxiety, it can be so so hard to dig yourself out of your emotion. Deep down inside, you know that taking poor care of yourself doesn't solve anything. Still, we do it anyways.
I'm here to give you a wake-up call. Wake up! You are alive. You were put on this Earth for a purpose that you may not know. But you have so much worth, you probably can't even comprehend it. Stop making yourself feel small. Stop isolating and hiding from the world.
Before you begin incorporating a CONSISTENT self-care schedule, you have to understand why self-care matters in the first place. What would an extra 10 minutes of self-care do for you? What would you do at that time? How would it benefit you in the long run?
Your answer might be different from mine. Here's why I choose to do self-care:
I choose to do self-care regardless if I feel like it or not because it gives me a sense of worth and purpose. Taking care of myself makes me feel safe. It makes me feel refreshed in times when I feel gross. It reminds me to treat my body with respect. By doing the bare minimum for myself, it means that I haven't given up.
And maybe you did give up. Maybe you lost your sense of purpose. That doesn't mean you can't get it back. It's NEVER too late to reclaim your worth. You are the one who decides if you will continue to rest, or get moving! Regardless of what trauma you have or are going through, it is NO excuse to neglect yourself. Washing your face, taking a shower, or journaling are all ways that can help you process and heal. Do not feel shame or guilt for taking care of yourself. Would you feel shame for
taking care of a sick family member? Probably not. So why wouldn't you take care of yourself?
So here are some ideas to jumpstart your "bare minimum" self-care routine:
Take a shower: let your worried thoughts pass, and try to focus on what you're doing to your body instead of focusing on what's going on in life.
Eat a wholesome meal: maybe soup, or a salad and sandwich. Something that won't make you feel heavy and groggy. Put your phone away, turn off the TV and just eat in silence.
Wrap yourself in a blanket: give yourself a nice warm hug and baby yourself a little bit. We often don't realize how badly we need to feel worth and love from ourselves.
Call up a friend: taking yourself out of isolation can be scary, but it's a choice you won't regret.
Read a book: get your brain muscles working! Oftentimes, we go into "auto-mode" and go through the motions of the day. Reading could help you become more intentional.
Stretch: pull up a Youtube video and do 10 minutes. Google: "stretching in bed" or "lazy stretch routine"
If you feeling like an overachiever, here's some additional self-care activities:
Clean up your environment: studies have shown that a clean environment can improve your mood and mental clarity.
JOURNAL: this is my all-time favorite. Reflect on what you feeling. When journaling, avoid words like "never" "impossible" "always" and "worthless". Be careful with the words you choose to describe yourself and others.
Make a list of all the things you love about yourself: it can be a mental note or a physical one!
Prepare a home-cooked meal: Add in some protein, veggies, and whatever you desire for your meal. Avoid foods that are super sugary and fatty as these foods can easily become a coping mechanism and get out of control.
WORKOUT: it's easier said than done but MAN!! Once you get that workout in, it will boost your serotonin and make you feel productive! Also, a healthy way to keep yourself distracted (as long as you don't get obsessive).
What self-care activity will you try out today? Is there something you'd like to do that's not on this list? Reflect and be intentional. You deserve unconditional love from yourself. YOU HAVE A PURPOSE!
